Section 1. The name of this organization shall be BASTROP FINE ARTS GUILD

Section 2. The BASTROP FINE ARTS GUILD is an association of artists which was formed for the mutual aid and promotion of artists in this community, to educate and, to encourage cultural interest and appreciation for fine art.


Section 1. The membership of this organization shall be divided into Individual, Family, and Associate members.

Section 2. All classes of membership shall be entitled to attend lectures, demonstrations, and social functions, may serve on committees and shall receive guild communications.

Section 3. Associate membership may include out-of-state members and members wanting to participate only in the benefits outlined in Section 2 of this Article. Associate members may not apply to be a participating artist in any Guild exhibition venues and shall not hold office or vote.

Section 4. Application for membership shall be made to Bastrop Fine Arts Guild on an official form, and must be returned to the organization accompanied with the appropriate dues.


Section 1. Annual dues for all members shall be payable on September 1 of each year. Members who have not paid their dues by September 30 will be delinquent and will be deleted from the membership list. Annual dues shall be set by a 2/3 vote of the active membership present at a meeting held for that purpose. Members shall be notified, in writing, 30 days prior to the meeting at which time a vote to change the dues will be considered.

Section 2. Application for membership shall be made to the BASTROP FINE ARTS GUILD on an official form, and must be returned to the organization accompanied by the appropriate dues.


Section 1. At the September meeting each year four new members of the Board will be elected by the general membership.

Section 2. Special meetings of the membership or of the Board can be called by the President at the request of three or more members.

Section 3. The Board shall meet once a month for their regular meeting.


Section 1. The Board of the BASTROP FINE ARTS GUILD shall be made up of eight (8) members who are elected for two (2) year terms by the general membership.

Section 2. President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Parliamentarian will be elected within the Board at the first meeting following election of new board members.

Section 3. Board members shall serve overlapping terms. Each September four new Board members are elected and four remain on the Board.

Section 4. A nominating committee consisting of three members from the general membership and two members of the Board will be appointed by the President by the August meeting.

Section 5. The nominating Committee shall present nominations for the four new members of the Board at the September meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor. Election shall be by ballot unless there is only only nominee for each spot; then, it may be viva-voce. New board members assume their position at the October meeting.

Section 6. Board meetings require a quorum of five (5) members to conduct business.


Section 1. The Standing Committees shall be as follows: Membership, Program/Events, Fundraising, PR/Advertising and Gallery. The President ot the Board will appoint a chair person of each of the Standing Committees. Committee chairmen are not members of the Board by virtue of their position.

Section 2. Each committee will draw up their own duties. Each committee shall meet or communicate at least once a month. The chairman shall make a report for the committee to the Vice President of the Board one week prior to each board meeting.


Section 1. The Bylaws of the BASTROP FINE ARTS GUILD can be changed by a two thirds vote of the active members present at a general meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Proposed amendments will be presented to the membership in writing thirty days before said meeting.


Section 1. The President of the Board shall preside at all board and general meetings.

Section 2. The Vice President will preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

Section 3. The Secretary shall keep, in permanent form, the minutes of all meetings. The minutes shall be posted for the general membership on the Guild web site, as soon as possible after each meeting. A copy will also be available at the Gallery.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds and pay all bills. Any expenditures other than usual operating expenses require approval of the general membership.

Section 5. The Parliamentarian will oversee all rules, procedural, regulations, discussions and voting of each meeting. He/She will be knowledgeable of Roberts Rules of Order or similar publications.


Section 1. Upon the dissolution of the BASTROP FINE ARTS GUILD assets shall be distributed according to the consensus of the general membership.